Imipenem Impurity 10

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight273.35
Molecular FormulaC11H19N3O3S

What is the molecular weight of Imipenem Impurity 10?

The molecular weight of Imipenem Impurity 10 is 273.35.

What is the molecular formula of Imipenem Impurity 10?

The molecular formula of Imipenem Impurity 10 is C11H19N3O3S.

How is Imipenem Impurity 10 classified chemically?

Imipenem Impurity 10 is classified as a sulfur-containing organic compound.

Is Imipenem Impurity 10 a natural or synthetic compound?

Imipenem Impurity 10 is a synthetic compound.

What are the potential uses of Imipenem Impurity 10 in pharmaceutical research?

Imipenem Impurity 10 may be used as a reference standard or in analytical testing in pharmaceutical research.

How does the molecular structure of Imipenem Impurity 10 contribute to its properties?

The presence of sulfur in the molecular structure of Imipenem Impurity 10 may affect its chemical reactivity and interactions.

What are the implications of the molecular weight of Imipenem Impurity 10 in terms of its handling and storage?

The molecular weight of Imipenem Impurity 10 may influence its stability and solubility, which should be considered in handling and storage protocols.

How does the molecular formula of Imipenem Impurity 10 compare to that of the parent compound imipenem?

The molecular formula of Imipenem Impurity 10 differs from that of imipenem, indicating a distinct chemical structure.

Are there any reported biological activities associated with Imipenem Impurity 10?

There may not be specific reported biological activities associated with Imipenem Impurity 10, as it is primarily used in analytical contexts.

How can further research on Imipenem Impurity 10 contribute to the field of pharmaceutical chemistry?

Further research on Imipenem Impurity 10 may help elucidate its properties, reactivity, and potential applications in drug development and quality control in the pharmaceutical industry.

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