Indapamide Impurity 28

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight278.7
Molecular FormulaC10H11ClO5S

What is the molecular weight of Indapamide Impurity 28?

The molecular weight of Indapamide Impurity 28 is 278.7.

What is the molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28?

The molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28 is C10H11ClO5S.

How many atoms are there in the molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28?

There are 27 atoms in the molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28.

What elements are present in the molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28?

Carbon (C), Hydrogen (H), Chlorine (Cl), Oxygen (O), and Sulfur (S) are present in the molecular formula of Indapamide Impurity 28.

What is the chemical structure of Indapamide Impurity 28?

The chemical structure of Indapamide Impurity 28 is composed of 10 carbon atoms, 11 hydrogen atoms, 1 chlorine atom, 5 oxygen atoms, and 1 sulfur atom.

How does Indapamide Impurity 28 differ from pure Indapamide?

Indapamide Impurity 28 is a byproduct or impurity in the synthesis of pure Indapamide, which is a medication used to treat high blood pressure.

Is Indapamide Impurity 28 considered a harmful substance?

As an impurity in the pharmaceutical industry, Indapamide Impurity 28 may need to be controlled or removed due to potential effects on the purity and efficacy of the final product.

How can Indapamide Impurity 28 be detected and quantified in pharmaceutical samples?

Techniques such as chromatography (e.g., HPLC) and spectroscopy (e.g., NMR) can be used to detect and quantify Indapamide Impurity 28 in pharmaceutical samples.

What regulatory guidelines exist for the allowable levels of impurities in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory bodies such as the FDA and EMA have guidelines on the permissible levels of impurities, including Indapamide Impurity 28, in pharmaceutical products.

What steps can be taken to minimize the presence of Indapamide Impurity 28 during the manufacturing process?

Process optimization, purification steps, and quality control measures can be undertaken to minimize the presence of Indapamide Impurity 28 during the manufacturing of Indapamide or related pharmaceutical products.

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