Isomaltitol (Mannitol EP impurity A)

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight344.31
Molecular FormulaC12H24O11

What is the product name for CAS 64519-82-0?

The product name is Isomaltitol (Mannitol EP impurity A).

What is the molecular weight of Isomaltitol (Mannitol EP impurity A)?

The molecular weight is 344.31.

What is the molecular formula of Isomaltitol (Mannitol EP impurity A)?

The molecular formula is C12H24O11.

Is Isomaltitol the same as Mannitol EP impurity A?

Yes, Isomaltitol is also known as Mannitol EP impurity A.

What is the chemical structure of Isomaltitol?

The chemical structure of Isomaltitol consists of 12 Carbon atoms, 24 Hydrogen atoms, and 11 Oxygen atoms.

Is Isomaltitol commonly used in pharmaceuticals?

Isomaltitol is commonly used as a sugar substitute in sugar-free and diabetic foods.

What are some potential benefits of using Isomaltitol?

Some potential benefits of Isomaltitol include its low calorie content and tooth-friendly properties.

Can Isomaltitol be used in baking and cooking?

Yes, Isomaltitol can be used as a sweetener in baking and cooking recipes.

Is Isomaltitol safe for consumption?

Isomaltitol is generally recognized as safe for consumption by regulatory agencies when used in moderation.

How does Isomaltitol compare to other sugar alcohols like Mannitol?

Isomaltitol is a sugar alcohol similar to Mannitol, but it has slightly different properties and uses in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

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