Ketamine (Esketamine) EP Impurity B

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight224.68
Molecular FormulaC12H13ClO2

What is the product name?

The product name of the compound is Ketamine (Esketamine) EP Impurity B.

What is the CAS number of the compound?

The CAS number of the compound is 1823362-29-3.

What is the molecular weight of the compound?

The molecular weight of the compound is 224.68.

What is the molecular formula of the compound?

The molecular formula of the compound is C12H13ClO2.

Is Ketamine (Esketamine) EP Impurity B a pure form of ketamine?

Ketamine (Esketamine) EP Impurity B is not a pure form of ketamine as it is listed as an impurity.

What is the significance of having impurities in a compound?

Having impurities in a compound can affect its purity, stability, and potentially its effectiveness in certain applications.

Is the presence of impurity B likely to impact the pharmacological properties of ketamine?

The presence of impurity B may impact the pharmacological properties of ketamine, as impurities can alter the chemical characteristics and behavior of a compound.

How can impurities be removed or minimized in a compound?

Impurities can be removed or minimized through purification processes such as recrystallization, chromatography, or distillation.

Are impurities typically intentionally added to a compound?

Impurities are typically not intentionally added to a compound, but can be present as by-products of the manufacturing process or as contaminants.

How important is it to characterize and quantify impurities in pharmaceutical compounds?

It is important to characterize and quantify impurities in pharmaceutical compounds as they can impact the safety, efficacy, and quality of the final product.

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