Ketamine Impurity 7

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight276.16
Molecular FormulaC12H15Cl2NO2

What is the product name of CAS 2173991-73-4?

The product name is Ketamine Impurity 7.

What is the molecular weight of Ketamine Impurity 7?

The molecular weight is 276.16.

What is the molecular formula of Ketamine Impurity 7?

The molecular formula is C12H15Cl2NO2.

Are there any other known impurities in the Ketamine compound?

Yes, there are other known impurities such as Ketamine Impurity 1, Ketamine Impurity 2, etc.

How is Ketamine Impurity 7 commonly used in research or pharmaceutical settings?

Ketamine Impurity 7 may be used as a reference standard or for analytical purposes in research or pharmaceutical settings.

What are some potential methods for detecting Ketamine Impurity 7 in a sample?

Methods such as chromatography or spectroscopy may be used to detect Ketamine Impurity 7 in a sample.

How stable is Ketamine Impurity 7 under various storage conditions?

The stability of Ketamine Impurity 7 may vary under different storage conditions and should be stored according to specific guidelines.

Are there any known reactions or interactions of Ketamine Impurity 7 with other compounds?

It is important to consider potential reactions or interactions of Ketamine Impurity 7 with other compounds, especially in combination with Ketamine itself.

How does the presence of Ketamine Impurity 7 impact the overall purity of a Ketamine sample?

The presence of impurities like Ketamine Impurity 7 can affect the overall purity of a Ketamine sample, potentially impacting its quality and efficacy.

What steps can be taken to minimize the presence of Ketamine Impurity 7 in Ketamine production processes?

Manufacturers may implement quality control measures, purification techniques, or use high-quality starting materials to reduce the presence of impurities like Ketamine Impurity 7 in Ketamine production processes.

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