Metoclopramide Impurity 7

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight292.11
Molecular FormulaC11H11Cl2NO4

What is the product name of CAS 111049-74-2?

The product name is Metoclopramide Impurity 7.

What is the molecular weight of Metoclopramide Impurity 7?

The molecular weight is 292.11.

What is the molecular formula of Metoclopramide Impurity 7?

The molecular formula is C11H11Cl2NO4.

How is Metoclopramide Impurity 7 identified in chemical terms?

It is identified by its CAS number 111049-74-2.

What is the chemical structure of Metoclopramide Impurity 7?

The chemical structure includes 11 carbon atoms, 11 hydrogen atoms, 2 chlorine atoms, 1 nitrogen atom, and 4 oxygen atoms.

Why is it important to identify impurities in Metoclopramide?

Identifying impurities in Metoclopramide is important for quality control and safety purposes in pharmaceutical production.

How can Metoclopramide Impurity 7 affect the efficacy of the medication?

Impurities like Metoclopramide Impurity 7 can impact the efficacy of the medication by altering its chemical composition.

What are the potential risks associated with the presence of impurities in pharmaceuticals?

The risks can include reduced potency, increased toxicity, and potential health hazards for the consumer.

How is Metoclopramide Impurity 7 detected and quantified in pharmaceutical products?

It can be detected and quantified through analytical testing techniques such as chromatography and spectroscopy.

How can the presence of impurities like Metoclopramide Impurity 7 be minimized in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Strict quality control measures, adherence to good manufacturing practices, and regular testing of raw materials can help minimize impurities in pharmaceutical products.

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