1-Naphthalene methanol

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight158.2
Molecular FormulaC11H10O

What is the chemical name of CAS 4780-79-4?

The chemical name is 1-Naphthalene methanol.

What is the molecular weight of 1-Naphthalene methanol?

The molecular weight is 158.2.

What is the molecular formula of 1-Naphthalene methanol?

The molecular formula is C11H10O.

How is 1-Naphthalene methanol commonly abbreviated?

It is commonly abbreviated as 1-NLM.

What is the structural formula of 1-Naphthalene methanol?

The structural formula is C10H7CH2OH.

In what type of industries is 1-Naphthalene methanol commonly used?

It is commonly used in industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and research.

What are some common applications of 1-Naphthalene methanol?

It can be used as an intermediate in the production of various chemicals, and as a reagent in organic synthesis.

Is 1-Naphthalene methanol water-soluble?

No, it is not very water-soluble.

What are some potential hazards associated with handling 1-Naphthalene methanol?

It may cause irritation to the skin, e- Yes, and respiratory system. Ingestion or inhalation may be harmful.

Are there any specific storage or handling requirements for 1-Naphthalene methanol?

It should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and direct sunlight. Proper ventilation and personal protective equipment should be used when handling this chemical.

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