Orciprenaline EP Impurity A

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight223.27
Molecular FormulaC12H17NO3

What is the product name of CAS 70988-89-5?

The product name is Orciprenaline EP Impurity A.

What is the molecular weight of Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

The molecular weight is 223.27.

What is the molecular formula of Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

The molecular formula is C12H17NO3.

What is the chemical structure of Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

The chemical structure is C12H17NO3.

What is the specific role of Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

Orciprenaline EP Impurity A is a reference standard for laboratory testing and research purposes.

How can Orciprenaline EP Impurity A be used in laboratory settings?

It can be used for analytical testing and quality control in laboratories.

Is Orciprenaline EP Impurity A commonly used in pharmaceutical research?

Yes, Orciprenaline EP Impurity A is commonly used as a reference material in pharmaceutical research.

Are there any known side effects or hazards associated with Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

There are no specific side effects or hazards associated with Orciprenaline EP Impurity A when used properly in laboratory settings.

What is the importance of having Orciprenaline EP Impurity A available as a reference standard?

Having Orciprenaline EP Impurity A as a reference standard ensures consistency and accuracy in laboratory testing and research.

Are there any alternative compounds that can be used as substitutes for Orciprenaline EP Impurity A?

There may be other impurities or reference standards available, but Orciprenaline EP Impurity A is specifically used for its unique properties in laboratory research.

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