Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight203.2
Molecular FormulaC11H9NO3

What is the molecular weight of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

The molecular weight of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is 203.2.

What is the molecular formula of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

The molecular formula of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is C11H9NO3.

What is the CAS number of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

The CAS number of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is 1136-45-4.

What is the chemical structure of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

The chemical structure of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is composed of 11 carbon atoms, 9 hydrogen atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms.

What is the significance of identifying impurities in pharmaceutical products like Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

Identifying impurities in pharmaceutical products is crucial for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of the product.

How is Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C used in the pharmaceutical industry?

Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is used as a reference standard for identifying and quantifying impurities in Oxacillin sodium.

What are the potential sources of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes?

Potential sources of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C in pharmaceutical manufacturing processes include reaction intermediates, starting materials, and degradation products.

How is the purity of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C determined?

The purity of Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C is determined through analytical techniques such as HPLC or GC.

What are the regulations regarding impurities in pharmaceutical products like Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C?

Regulatory agencies have strict guidelines regarding the identification, quantification, and control of impurities in pharmaceutical products to ensure patient safety.

How can impurities in pharmaceutical products like Oxacillin sodium EP Impurity C impact patient health?

Impurities in pharmaceutical products can potentially cause adverse effects or reduce the efficacy of the medication, making it essential to monitor and control impurities in the manufacturing process.

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