Paroxetine Impurity 28

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight223.29
Molecular FormulaC13H18FNO

What is the product name of the compound with CAS number 105812-81-5?

The product name of the compound is Paroxetine Impurity 28.

What is the molecular weight of Paroxetine Impurity 28?

The molecular weight of Paroxetine Impurity 28 is 223.29.

What is the molecular formula of Paroxetine Impurity 28?

The molecular formula of Paroxetine Impurity 28 is C13H18FNO.

How is the compound Paroxetine Impurity 28 represented in terms of its chemical elements?

Paroxetine Impurity 28 consists of 13 carbon atoms, 18 hydrogen atoms, 1 fluorine atom, and 1 nitrogen atom.

Is Paroxetine Impurity 28 a pure substance or an impurity?

Paroxetine Impurity 28 is classified as an impurity.

What is the significance of identifying Paroxetine Impurity 28 in pharmaceuticals?

Identifying Paroxetine Impurity 28 in pharmaceuticals is important for ensuring product quality and efficacy.

How does the presence of Paroxetine Impurity 28 impact the purity of paroxetine formulations?

The presence of Paroxetine Impurity 28 can affect the purity and stability of paroxetine formulations.

Are there regulatory limits for Paroxetine Impurity 28 in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory agencies may set limits on the concentration of Paroxetine Impurity 28 allowed in pharmaceutical products.

How is Paroxetine Impurity 28 detected and quantified in pharmaceutical samples?

Analytical methods such as chromatography are commonly used to detect and quantify Paroxetine Impurity 28 in pharmaceutical samples.

What steps can be taken to minimize the formation of Paroxetine Impurity 28 during the manufacturing process?

Controlled synthesis conditions and proper storage can help minimize the formation of Paroxetine Impurity 28 during the manufacturing process.

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