Paroxetine Impurity 20

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight223.29
Molecular FormulaC13H18FNO

What is the product name of the product?

The product name of the product is Paroxetine Impurity 20.

What is the CAS number of the product?

The CAS number of the product is 318279-38-8.

What is the molecular weight of the product?

The molecular weight of the product is 223.29.

What is the molecular formula of the product?

The molecular formula of the product is C13H18FNO.

How is Paroxetine Impurity 20 different from Paroxetine?

Paroxetine Impurity 20 is a specific impurity of Paroxetine that has its own CAS number.

What are some potential sources of Paroxetine Impurity 20?

Paroxetine Impurity 20 may be a byproduct of the synthesis of Paroxetine or other related compounds.

How does the molecular weight of Paroxetine Impurity 20 compare to the molecular weight of Paroxetine?

The molecular weight of Paroxetine Impurity 20 is different from the molecular weight of Paroxetine, which is approximately 374.8 g/mol.

What role does the molecular formula play in determining the structure of Paroxetine Impurity 20?

The molecular formula C13H18FNO provides information about the types and numbers of atoms in the molecular structure of Paroxetine Impurity 20.

How is the purity of Paroxetine Impurity 20 determined in a sample?

The purity of Paroxetine Impurity 20 in a sample can be determined through analytical techniques such as HPLC or mass spectrometry.

Why is it important to identify and characterize impurities like Paroxetine Impurity 20 in pharmaceutical compounds?

Characterizing impurities in pharmaceutical compounds is important for ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of the final product for patient use.

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