Pomalidomide Impurity 3

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight291.26
Molecular FormulaC13H13N3O5

What is the product name of CAS 2635-64-5?

The product name is Pomalidomide Impurity 3.

What is the molecular weight of Pomalidomide Impurity 3?

The molecular weight is 291.26.

What is the molecular formula of Pomalidomide Impurity 3?

The molecular formula is C13H13N3O5.

What is the chemical structure of Pomalidomide Impurity 3 based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure of Pomalidomide Impurity 3 contains 13 carbon atoms, 13 hydrogen atoms, 3 nitrogen atoms, and 5 oxygen atoms.

How does Pomalidomide Impurity 3 compare to the chemical structure of Pomalidomide itself?

Pomalidomide Impurity 3 is likely a compound that is related to but different from the main compound Pomalidomide due to its impurity designation.

What potential impurities may be present in Pomalidomide Impurity 3?

Potential impurities may include compounds with similar molecular weights and formulas, but with slight structural variations.

What is the significance of knowing the molecular weight of Pomalidomide Impurity 3?

Knowing the molecular weight can help in identifying and characterizing the compound, as well as in quality control and regulatory purposes.

How is Pomalidomide Impurity 3 commonly used in research or pharmaceutical development?

Pomalidomide Impurity 3 is often used as a reference standard or control in research and development of Pomalidomide-based pharmaceuticals.

What analytical techniques can be used to detect and quantify Pomalidomide Impurity 3 in samples?

Techniques such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or mass spectrometry may be used for the analysis of Pomalidomide Impurity 3.

Why is it important for pharmaceutical companies to monitor and control impurities like Pomalidomide Impurity 3 in their products?

Regulatory agencies require pharmaceutical companies to ensure the purity and safety of their products, making it crucial to monitor and control impurities like Pomalidomide Impurity 3 to meet regulatory standards.

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