Posaconazole Impurity 195

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight208.31
Molecular FormulaC12H20N2O

What is the molecular weight of Posaconazole Impurity 195?

The molecular weight of Posaconazole Impurity 195 is 208.31.

What is the molecular formula of Posaconazole Impurity 195?

The molecular formula of Posaconazole Impurity 195 is C12H20N2O.

How is Posaconazole Impurity 195 related to the compound Posaconazole?

Posaconazole Impurity 195 is an impurity of the compound Posaconazole.

What is the significance of studying Posaconazole Impurity 195 in pharmaceutical research?

Studying Posaconazole Impurity 195 is important for pharmaceutical research to ensure the purity and effectiveness of Posaconazole.

How can Posaconazole Impurity 195 be identified and characterized?

Posaconazole Impurity 195 can be identified and characterized using various analytical techniques such as spectroscopy and chromatography.

What potential impact can Posaconazole Impurity 195 have on the quality of pharmaceutical products?

Posaconazole Impurity 195 can impact the quality of pharmaceutical products by affecting their purity, stability, and efficacy.

How is Posaconazole Impurity 195 synthesized or produced?

Posaconazole Impurity 195 may be produced as a byproduct during the synthesis of Posaconazole or through degradation processes.

What precautions should be taken in handling Posaconazole Impurity 195 in a laboratory setting?

Precautions such as wearing appropriate personal protective equipment and following safe handling procedures should be taken when working with Posaconazole Impurity 195.

What regulatory guidelines exist for the monitoring and control of impurities like Posaconazole Impurity 195 in pharmaceutical products?

Regulatory guidelines from agencies like the FDA mandate the monitoring and control of impurities, including Posaconazole Impurity 195, in pharmaceutical products.

How does the presence of Posaconazole Impurity 195 in pharmaceutical formulations affect drug development and approval processes?

The presence of Posaconazole Impurity 195 can impact drug development and approval processes by requiring additional testing and characterization to meet regulatory standards.

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