Pregabalin Impurity 22

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight217.26
Molecular FormulaC10H19NO4

What is the product name of the compound with CAS number 1082077-24-4?

The product name is Pregabalin Impurity 22.

What is the molecular weight of Pregabalin Impurity 22?

The molecular weight is 217.26.

What is the molecular formula of Pregabalin Impurity 22?

The molecular formula is C10H19NO4.

How is Pregabalin Impurity 22 typically used in pharmaceutical research?

Pregabalin Impurity 22 is used as a reference standard in pharmaceutical research.

What is the significance of the CAS number 1082077-24-4 in relation to Pregabalin Impurity 22?

The CAS number uniquely identifies Pregabalin Impurity 22 for regulatory and research purposes.

How does the molecular weight of Pregabalin Impurity 22 impact its properties?

The molecular weight affects the compound's solubility, stability, and other physical and chemical characteristics.

In what form is Pregabalin Impurity 22 typically supplied for research purposes?

Pregabalin Impurity 22 is usually supplied as a pure solid powder.

Are there any known impurities in Pregabalin Impurity 22 that researchers should be aware of?

As the name suggests, Pregabalin Impurity 22 may contain impurities that need to be characterized and quantified.

Why is it important for researchers to have a reliable source of Pregabalin Impurity 22?

Having a reliable source ensures the quality, purity, and consistency of the compound for research studies and regulatory compliance.

How does the molecular formula C10H19NO4 provide insight into the chemical composition and structure of Pregabalin Impurity 22?

The molecular formula gives information about the types and numbers of atoms present in the compound, allowing researchers to predict its reactivity and behavior in various reactions.

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