Prilocaine Impurity 9

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight197.66
Molecular FormulaC10H12ClNO

What is the product name of the chemical with CAS number 111057-88-6?

The product name is Prilocaine Impurity 9.

What is the molecular weight of Prilocaine Impurity 9?

The molecular weight is 197.66.

What is the molecular formula of Prilocaine Impurity 9?

The molecular formula is C10H12ClNO.

What is the significance of CAS number 111057-88-6?

The CAS number is a unique identifier for chemical substances.

What type of compound is Prilocaine Impurity 9 based on its molecular formula?

Prilocaine Impurity 9 is an organic compound containing carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and nitrogen.

How does the molecular weight of Prilocaine Impurity 9 compare to other compounds?

The molecular weight of Prilocaine Impurity 9 is 197.66, which is relatively low compared to many other compounds.

What does the presence of chlorine imply in the molecular formula of Prilocaine Impurity 9?

The presence of chlorine indicates that Prilocaine Impurity 9 contains a chlorine atom within its molecular structure.

How is Prilocaine Impurity 9 related to the compound Prilocaine?

Prilocaine Impurity 9 is an impurity associated with Prilocaine, a local anesthetic.

Is Prilocaine Impurity 9 a common byproduct in the production of Prilocaine?

It is possible that Prilocaine Impurity 9 is a byproduct of the production process of Prilocaine, hence categorized as an impurity.

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