Sitagliptin Impurity 62

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight289.25
Molecular FormulaC13H14F3NO3

What is the product name of CAS 1234321-83-5?

The product name is Sitagliptin Impurity 62.

What is the molecular weight of Sitagliptin Impurity 62?

The molecular weight is 289.25.

What is the molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 62?

The molecular formula is C13H14F3NO3.

How is Sitagliptin Impurity 62 different from Sitagliptin?

Sitagliptin Impurity 62 is a different molecule with a distinct molecular formula and weight compared to Sitagliptin.

What are the chemical elements present in the molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 62?

The molecular formula includes carbon, hydrogen, fluorine, and nitrogen.

Is Sitagliptin Impurity 62 a byproduct of the production of Sitagliptin?

Yes, as an impurity of Sitagliptin, Sitagliptin Impurity 62 may be produced during the manufacturing process.

Are there other known impurities of Sitagliptin besides Impurity 62?

Yes, there are likely other impurities that can be present in Sitagliptin, each with its own molecular structure and properties.

How is Sitagliptin Impurity 62 typically detected in pharmaceutical products?

Sitagliptin Impurity 62 can be detected through various analytical methods like chromatography or spectroscopy.

What role does Sitagliptin Impurity 62 play in pharmaceutical quality control?

Monitoring and controlling the levels of impurities like Sitagliptin Impurity 62 are crucial for ensuring the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products.

Can Sitagliptin Impurity 62 affect the therapeutic effects of medications containing Sitagliptin?

The presence of impurities like Sitagliptin Impurity 62 can potentially impact the stability and effectiveness of medications, highlighting the importance of stringent quality control measures.

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