Sitagliptin Impurity 74

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight232.16
Molecular FormulaC10H7F3O3

What is the molecular weight of Sitagliptin Impurity 74?

The molecular weight of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 is 232.16.

What is the molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 74?

The molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 is C10H7F3O3.

What is the CAS number of Sitagliptin Impurity 74?

The CAS number of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 is 1256815-03-8.

What are the key elements present in the molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 74?

The key elements present in the molecular formula of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 are carbon, hydrogen, fluorine, and oxygen.

What kind of compound does Sitagliptin Impurity 74 belong to based on its molecular formula?

Sitagliptin Impurity 74 belongs to the category of organic compounds based on its molecular formula.

What is the chemical structure of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 consists of 10 carbon atoms, 7 hydrogen atoms, 3 fluorine atoms, and 3 oxygen atoms bonded together.

How is Sitagliptin Impurity 74 typically used in the pharmaceutical industry?

Sitagliptin Impurity 74 is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a reference standard in quality control and research purposes.

How does the molecular weight of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 compare to other similar compounds?

The molecular weight of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 may vary compared to other similar compounds based on their respective molecular formulas.

What impact does the presence of fluorine atoms in Sitagliptin Impurity 74 have on its properties?

The presence of fluorine atoms may affect the properties, such as solubility and stability, of Sitagliptin Impurity 74.

How can the purity of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 be determined in laboratory settings?

The purity of Sitagliptin Impurity 74 can be determined through various analytical techniques, such as high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or mass spectrometry.

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