Telaprevir impurity 1

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight255.31
Molecular FormulaC13H21NO4

What is the product name of Telaprevir impurity 1?

The product name of Telaprevir impurity 1 is Telaprevir impurity 1.

What is the CAS number of Telaprevir impurity 1?

The CAS number of Telaprevir impurity 1 is 1596653-85-8.

What is the molecular weight of Telaprevir impurity 1?

The molecular weight of Telaprevir impurity 1 is 255.31.

What is the molecular formula of Telaprevir impurity 1?

The molecular formula of Telaprevir impurity 1 is C13H21NO4.

What are the possible impurities that can be found in Telaprevir?

Impurity 1 of Telaprevir can be found as a possible impurity.

How is Telaprevir impurity 1 commonly denoted in chemical terms?

Telaprevir impurity 1 is commonly denoted as C13H21NO4.

What quality does Telaprevir impurity 1 possess that distinguishes it from the main compound?

Telaprevir impurity 1 possesses impurity characteristics, which distinguish it from the main compound.

What role does the molecular weight play in the identification of Telaprevir impurity 1?

The molecular weight helps in the precise identification and characterization of Telaprevir impurity 1.

Why is it important to identify and monitor impurities in pharmaceutical products like Telaprevir impurity 1?

It is important to identify and monitor impurities in pharmaceutical products to ensure the safety, efficacy, and quality of the final product.

What steps can be taken to minimize the presence of impurities like Telaprevir impurity 1 in pharmaceutical formulations?

Steps such as rigorous quality control measures, purification processes, and strict adherence to good manufacturing practices can help minimize the presence of impurities like Telaprevir impurity 1 in pharmaceutical formulations.

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