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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight528.06
Molecular FormulaC13H6Br2F6N2O2S

What is the product name of CAS 130000-40-7?

The product name is Thirluzamide.

What is the molecular weight of Thirluzamide?

The molecular weight of Thirluzamide is 528.06.

What is the molecular formula of Thirluzamide?

The molecular formula of Thirluzamide is C13H6Br2F6N2O2S.

What is the chemical structure of Thirluzamide based on its molecular formula?

The chemical structure of Thirluzamide consists of 13 carbon atoms, 6 hydrogen atoms, 2 bromine atoms, 6 fluorine atoms, 2 nitrogen atoms, 2 oxygen atoms, and 1 sulfur atom.

What are the elements present in the molecular formula of Thirluzamide?

The elements present in the molecular formula of Thirluzamide are carbon, hydrogen, bromine, fluorine, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur.

Why is Thirluzamide identified by its CAS number?

Thirluzamide is identified by its CAS number to uniquely distinguish it from other chemical compounds.

What does the presence of bromine and fluorine in the molecular formula indicate about Thirluzamide?

The presence of bromine and fluorine in the molecular formula indicates that Thirluzamide contains halogen atoms, which may play a role in its properties and chemical reactivity.

How does the molecular weight of Thirluzamide compare to other similar compounds?

The molecular weight of Thirluzamide (528.06) may be higher or lower than other similar compounds, depending on their specific molecular formulas.

How is Thirluzamide typically synthesized?

Thirluzamide is typically synthesized through a series of chemical reactions involving starting materials that contain the necessary elements for its molecular formula.

What potential applications or uses could Thirluzamide have based on its molecular formula?

Based on its molecular formula, Thirluzamide may be used as a pesticide, herbicide, fungicide, or in other agricultural or industrial applications where its composition and properties are beneficial.

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