Ticargrelor impurity 16

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight286.11
Molecular FormulaC12H9Cl2NO3

What is the molecular weight of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

The molecular weight of Ticagrelor impurity 16 is 286.11.

What is the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

The molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16 is C12H9Cl2NO3.

How many carbon atoms are present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

There are 12 carbon atoms present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16.

How many hydrogen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

There are 9 hydrogen atoms present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16.

How many chlorine atoms are present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

There are 2 chlorine atoms present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16.

What is the total number of atoms in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

The total number of atoms in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16 is 26.

What functional groups are present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16?

The functional groups present in the molecular formula of Ticagrelor impurity 16 are NO3 and Cl2.

How might Ticagrelor impurity 16 be synthesized in a laboratory setting?

Ticagrelor impurity 16 may be synthesized through organic chemical reactions involving appropriate starting materials and reagents.

How does Ticagrelor impurity 16 differ from the main drug Ticagrelor?

Ticagrelor impurity 16 is a chemical impurity of Ticagrelor and may have different properties and effects compared to the main drug.

What potential impact could Ticagrelor impurity 16 have on the efficacy or safety of Ticagrelor medication?

Ticagrelor impurity 16 could potentially impact the efficacy and safety of Ticagrelor medication if present in significant amounts, as impurities in medications can alter their effects and cause unintended side effects.

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