Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C)

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight317.87
Molecular Formula13C12H4Cl4O

What is the CAS number for Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C)?

The CAS number for Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C) is 89059-46-1.

What is the molecular weight of Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C)?

The molecular weight of Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C) is 317.87.

What is the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C)?

The molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 8 (13C) is 13C12H4Cl4O.

Are there any isotopes present in Triclosan Impurity 8?

Yes, Triclosan Impurity 8 contains the isotope 13C.

What is the significance of 13C in the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 8?

The presence of 13C in the molecular formula indicates that it is a carbon isotope with a mass number of 13.

How many carbon atoms are present in the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 8?

There are 12 carbon atoms present in the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 8.

Is Triclosan Impurity 8 a chlorinated compound?

Yes, Triclosan Impurity 8 is a chlorinated compound, as indicated by the presence of Cl in its molecular formula.

What is the potential impact of Triclosan Impurity 8 on the environment?

Triclosan Impurity 8 is a potential environmental contaminant due to its chlorinated nature.

How is the purity of Triclosan Impurity 8 determined?

The purity of Triclosan Impurity 8 can be determined through analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry.

Are there any known health risks associated with Triclosan Impurity 8?

The health risks associated with Triclosan Impurity 8 will depend on its concentration and exposure levels, as well as any potential toxic effects of the compound.

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