Triclosan Impurity 5

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight237.08
Molecular FormulaC12H6Cl2O

What is the product name of CAS 5409-83-6?

The product name is Triclosan Impurity 5.

What is the molecular weight of Triclosan Impurity 5?

The molecular weight is 237.08.

What is the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 5?

The molecular formula is C12H6Cl2O.

What is the chemical composition of Triclosan Impurity 5?

It contains carbon, hydrogen, chlorine, and oxygen atoms.

How many chlorine atoms are present in the molecular formula of Triclosan Impurity 5?

There are two chlorine atoms.

How is Triclosan Impurity 5 different from regular Triclosan?

Triclosan Impurity 5 is an impurity of Triclosan, which means it is present in small amounts as a contaminant.

What are some potential health risks associated with Triclosan Impurity 5?

Triclosan Impurity 5 may have toxic effects on human health and the environment due to its chemical properties.

Is Triclosan Impurity 5 commonly found in consumer products?

Triclosan Impurity 5 is not intentionally added to consumer products, but it can be present as a byproduct or impurity in certain formulations.

How is Triclosan Impurity 5 detected and measured in products?

Triclosan Impurity 5 can be detected and measured using analytical techniques such as chromatography or spectroscopy.

What precautions should be taken when handling products containing Triclosan Impurity 5?

Proper safety measures should be followed to minimize exposure to Triclosan Impurity 5, especially in industrial or laboratory settings.

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