Tryptophan EP Impurity E

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight236.23
Molecular FormulaC11H12N2O4

What is the CAS number of Tryptophan EP Impurity E?

The CAS number of Tryptophan EP Impurity E is 3978-11-8.

What is the molecular weight of Tryptophan EP Impurity E?

The molecular weight of Tryptophan EP Impurity E is 236.23.

What is the molecular formula of Tryptophan EP Impurity E?

The molecular formula of Tryptophan EP Impurity E is C11H12N2O4.

Is Tryptophan EP Impurity E a pure substance?

No, Tryptophan EP Impurity E is an impurity.

What is the significance of impurity E in relation to Tryptophan EP?

Impurity E in Tryptophan EP indicates the presence of a specific contaminant or byproduct that needs to be monitored and controlled.

How is Tryptophan EP Impurity E commonly used in pharmaceutical research?

Tryptophan EP Impurity E is used as a reference standard or marker in the analysis of Tryptophan EP for quality control purposes.

What are some potential methods for detecting Tryptophan EP Impurity E in Tryptophan samples?

Some potential methods for detecting Tryptophan EP Impurity E include HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) and Mass Spectrometry.

How can the presence of Tryptophan EP Impurity E affect the quality of Tryptophan products?

The presence of Tryptophan EP Impurity E can affect the purity, potency, and safety of Tryptophan products, making it important to monitor and control its levels.

Are there regulatory limits or guidelines for Tryptophan EP Impurity E in pharmaceutical products?

Yes, regulatory bodies such as the FDA may have specific limits or guidelines for the acceptable levels of Tryptophan EP Impurity E in pharmaceutical products to ensure their safety and efficacy.

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