Venadaparib Impurity 26

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight218.22
Molecular FormulaC10H10N4O2

What is the name of the product with CAS number 99072-87-4?

The product is called Venadaparib Impurity 26.

What is the molecular weight of Venadaparib Impurity 26?

The molecular weight of Venadaparib Impurity 26 is 218.22.

What is the molecular formula of Venadaparib Impurity 26?

The molecular formula of Venadaparib Impurity 26 is C10H10N4O2.

Why is Venadaparib Impurity 26 referred to as an impurity?

It is referred to as an impurity because it is likely a byproduct or contaminant in the synthesis of the main product, Venadaparib.

What are the individual elements that make up the molecular formula of Venadaparib Impurity 26?

The molecular formula consists of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), and oxygen (O).

How many carbon atoms are present in the molecular formula of Venadaparib Impurity 26?

There are 10 carbon atoms present.

What is the significance of having nitrogen in the molecular formula of Venadaparib Impurity 26?

Nitrogen is a key component of many bioactive molecules and pharmaceuticals, so its presence may affect the properties of the impurity.

Can Venadaparib Impurity 26 be used as a standalone product, or is it only used in specific situations?

It is likely only used in specific situations, such as in quality control during the production of Venadaparib.

Is Venadaparib Impurity 26 considered safe for human consumption?

The safety of Venadaparib Impurity 26 for human consumption would depend on further testing and analysis.

Are there any known uses or applications for Venadaparib Impurity 26 other than as an impurity in the production of Venadaparib?

It is possible that Venadaparib Impurity 26 may have potential uses in research or as a reference standard in analytical chemistry.

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