Vilazodone impurity 3

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For Research Use Only | Not For Clinical Use
Molecular Weight205.21
Molecular FormulaC11H11NO3

What is the CAS number of Vilazodone impurity 3?

The CAS number of Vilazodone impurity 3 is 2089320-24-9.

What is the molecular weight of Vilazodone impurity 3?

The molecular weight of Vilazodone impurity 3 is 205.21.

What is the molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3?

The molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3 is C11H11NO3.

How many carbon atoms are present in the molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3?

There are 11 carbon atoms present in the molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3.

How many hydrogen atoms are present in the molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3?

There are 11 hydrogen atoms present in the molecular formula of Vilazodone impurity 3.

What is the significance of Vilazodone impurity 3 in pharmaceutical manufacturing?

Vilazodone impurity 3 may impact the purity and effectiveness of pharmaceutical products during manufacturing.

Are there any specific guidelines for the acceptable levels of Vilazodone impurity 3 in pharmaceutical products?

Specific guidelines for acceptable levels of Vilazodone impurity 3 may vary depending on regulatory standards and the specific pharmaceutical product being manufactured.

How is Vilazodone impurity 3 typically detected and quantified in pharmaceutical samples?

Vilazodone impurity 3 is typically detected and quantified using analytical techniques such as HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography) or GC-MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry).

Are there any known methods for the synthesis or removal of Vilazodone impurity 3 in pharmaceutical products?

Research and development efforts may focus on developing synthesis methods that minimize the formation of Vilazodone impurity 3, or purification techniques that effectively remove the impurity from pharmaceutical products.

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